What is Inspiration? Is it a force? Is it a result of something? Is it temporary? It is necessary?
Inspiration is something that most of us wait for. Some may think it has a similar nature of the subway, where if they wait patiently a train will eventually show up and take them in their intended direction. This also brings up the question of, does inspiration always lead us down our intended path?
The force of inspiration is something that will always be a bit of a mystery. Inspiration adapts to the individual’s wants and beliefs. What may inspire us, may not have the same effect on our partner, family, or friends. Can we tailor our environment to feel more inspired? What habits can we form to experience inspiration more often? We can start to solve this mystery by asking questions like these to figure out how inspiration adapts our situation.
In a way many of us lust for inspiration. It makes work feel easier and allows us to think with less anxiety or fear. It may provide us with a euphoric feeling but like many things in life, inspiration has its own mortality. This temporariness is not something we should be saddened by but prepare ourselves to cherish the inspired moment and be ready for when that spark dies out. As any person who dives into creative endeavors can attest to, you will hit a stage of excitement and the stage to follow is one of questions, self-doubt, and obstacles. Inspiration will find its way back to you, but it is on you to continue to push through these challenging phases. Understand your process and make intentional actions.
Treat inspiration as if it were a relationship. If we put all the expectations on inspiration and do not expel any of our own energy towards the relationship, it will prove to be unsustainable. A relationship with inspiration takes time, self-reflection, and practice.
The philosopher Epictetus’s mentality of true freedom speaks into this ongoing relationship with inspiration. “No man is free who is not a master of himself.” Knowing how inspiration is prevalent in our lives, we must know how it interacts with our beliefs, interest, and endeavors. The more we understand how to cultivate inspiration the more free we can feel. Inspiration is not a waiting game it is a result of action. The result of trying and doing things that come with a natural yearning and diligence of commitment. If you love to write but aren’t inspired to, just start writing. A dog who sits on the porch won’t find any bones.
Find what inspires you and study its patterns. Practice growing your relationship with inspiration. Don’t be dependent on it and put unstable expectations on it. Cherish its value and be comfortable with the ebb and flow of its nature.